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Uses their bass cannon to deal splash damage in a huge burst! Has a brief period of cooldown after attacking.

Pomegranate is a Ranged Bear that uses a bass cannon to deal splash damage.


Level 1[]

Pomegranate has dark red fur and hot pink/red hair, that only surrounds their head and dips in the middle of their face. They also have two hot pink/red eyebrows and a light pink hair shine at the top of their hair. They also have four hair spikes at the top of their head, and the tip of their bear ears poke out of the top of their hair. They have a circular tail with a couple of fur spikes and a light pink shine, like their hair. They also wear a pair of dark red sunglasses with no rims. They have a closed smile with one tooth that pokes out on their right side of their face. They have closed eyes that curve upwards, and beside their eyes next to their sideburns there are three dark red spots. They also hold a traditional black speaker with two grey cones in it.

Level 2[]

At Level 2, Pomegranate gets a light pink t-shirt with a ‘V’-shaped neck, and black shorts that cut off around their knees. They also have two thin white ankle bracelets. Their speaker gets two more sections horizontally, each with a grey cone.

Level 3[]

At Level 3, Pomegranate’s ankle bracelets turn into sort of leg warmers. They also get a pair of white headphones with a black headband. Their old speaker completely disappears for a new weapon- a large black gun/cannon. The gun has a few wires connecting the end of it to its base. It’s base has a pink trigger and a pink fiery pattern with a white pomegranate drawn on it.

Level 4[]

At Level 4, Pomegranate has white arm warmers. Their headphones now have a bit of white padding on the bottom of its headband. They have a white necktie, and their gun becomes more circular with a very small pomegranate on it, surrounded by pink, still with a fire pattern on it. The gun also gets a few more wires on it.

Level 5[]

Pomegranate’s final appearance gives them a very light pink part on their headphones with black outlines of squiggles and primary shapes on it, similar to the inside of Gumball’s Level 5 cape. Their tie gets a piano pattern, which is also similar to Gumball’s level 5 bow tie. Pomegranate’s arm warmers are half-light-pink. On their left arm is what seems to be a blue & teal glow-stick bracelet. Their right pant leg gets one glowing teal stripe. Their leg warmers get a little more detailed and have cuffs on the bottom of them. Meanwhile, their gun gets a big upgrade. The wires on it turn blue and the handle now has blue and glowing teal stripes on it. The end of their gun gets two glowing teal feathers/spikes, one blue feather/spike, and a white feather/spike on it.


"Place Gumball in this Bear's range to give Gumball's Bubble an afterburn effect!"


  • Pomegranate can be used as a great defense for most maps and Velvet Trials.
  • Buffing Pomegranate with Matcha and Bacon is a good strategy.
  • Using Mocha and Starfruit's combo, you can lower the price of their expensive upgrades to level them up quicker.
  • Setting Pomegranate's target to Strong makes them an excellent choice for bosses.


Level Cost





Pom Splash


Pom SplashSize





1 525 2 1 2.5 6 3.35
2 2,350 6 3 3 6.5 3.2
3 3,500 10 5 3.75 7.85 2.9
4 5,800 18 9 4.5 9.5 2.75
5 8,250 24 12 5 11 2.5


Pom Refrence Front

Pom Refrence Back


Image Name Tier Obtaining Method Event Exclusive
Shelly Melody Shelly Melody A Summer Platter Summer Platter Summer


  • Pomegranate was originally going to use any pronouns, this was changed to they/them pronouns.
    • They are also the first non-binary Bear added to the game.
  • Pomegranate is the first bear to use a 3rd body type, this being a slimmer one.


Normal Bears
Bacon Render BaconCaviar Render CaviarCupcake Render CupcakeFlan Render FlanMatcha Render MatchaMocha Render MochaPepper Render PepperPineberry Render PineberryRoquefort Render RoquefortStarfruit Render StarfruitSushi Render SushiUbe Render UbeWaffle Render Waffle
Honey Bears
Gumball Icon GumballOkra Icon OkraPom Icon Pomegranate
Level Bears
Jam JamMeringueIcon Meringue
Event-exclusive Bears
Candy Corn Render Candy CornEggnog Render EggnogMarshmallowIcon MarshmallowPopsicle Render Popsicle