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A cozy mansion with two massive floors and several paths to take. It has two bases to defend, along with two areas from which enemies can emerge, so it is quite a tricky map. Relentless waves of enemies will surely keep you on your toes.

This map takes place in a large mansion. It has two bases and two enemy spawns. It does not have a mini boss, and instead has a boss with two phases.

Mothmallow is the boss. He starts off as a fairly simple and expected boss for Difficulty 5, with a large amount of health, a very slow speed, and the ability to stun and debuff bears every so often. However, once he is defeated, he goes into his second phase, becoming much smaller and having drastically less health. However, he is quite fast. And considering that his first phase has over 80,000 Health, when he turns into his second phase he may already be quite close to the exit. It’s important to keep a very high and strong defence of the balcony/2nd floor exit, the exit he leaves from. He can definitely ruin a run easily.


Defence Defence ㅤㅤㅤㅤEnemies Land Enemies

Cursed Embers Map


Image Name Health Ability Wave
Muffin Ram 15 N/A 1
Bagel Bun
Bagel Bun N/A
Donut Bun
Donut Bun N/A
Porridge Cat
Porridge Cat N/A 10
Steak Cat
Steak Cat N/A 23
Flour Raccoon
Flour Raccoon After being killed, the bag around its head disappears and regains a third of its health back, also speeding up. 18
Flour Raccoon Unmasked
Cotton Candy Bat
Cotton Candy Bat N/A 8
Salad Deer
Salad Deer 1,758 N/A 22
Black Licorice Crow N/A 13
Red Licorice Crow
Red Licorice Crow N/A 29
Kamaboko Spider
Kamaboko Spider N/A 33
Lasagna Spider
Lasagna Spider N/A 30
Egg Snake
Egg Snake speed up when losing 50% health 16
Ube Gecko
Ube Gecko 91 N/A 3


Image Name Type Health Ability Wave
Mothmallow (1st Phase) 🌲 85,000
  1. Stuns bears around him by throwing 3 consecutive fireballs.
  2. Generates a loud roar, debuffing the bears around him.
  3. Transforms into his second phase once his health is fully depleted.
Mothmallow (2nd Phase) 🌲 15,750 35